Gold Bars / Gold Nuggets

Over the years, we have sold gold bar / nuggets to our regular customers all over the world. We are talking about quality, excellent craftsmanship and superior products. At Jka International Fze, we sell gold bars and gold nuggets. Our gold is the best and deal in large scale gold production. Regardless of the project size and complexity, we strive to provide our customers with great technology, differentiated products and unmatched engineering services delivered within a flexible and cost-effective business model that meets our customer’s needs.




Gold Bars

A gold bar, also called gold bullion or gold ingot, is a quantity of refined metallic gold of any shape that is made by a bar producer meeting standard conditions of manufacture, labeling, and record keeping.

Refiners start with one of two types of gold: a dore bar or scrap. Dore bars are produced by miners and are about 80 percent pure. Refiners increase the purity by separating the other precious metals and less precious metals that are mined with it.


Gold Nuggets

A gold nugget is a naturally occurring piece of native gold. Watercourses often concentrate nuggets and finer gold in placers.

In nature, gold nuggets are not pure gold. They are a combination of minerals, known as ore. The metal can be removed from the ore in a process known as smelting, in which the minerals are separated by melting point.


Address: Elob Office No. E-58G- 29, Po.Box ; 41780 Hamriyah Free Zone, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

